Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Promise, Prophet, King

In the Great Commission found in Matthew 28: 16-20 we find the wrapping up of three of the great OT themes. The Israelites all knew well of the promise made to Abraham in Gen 22:15 that all nations would be blessed in the seed of Abraham. In other words, a descendant of Abraham would bring about the blessing of all people (Gentiles included). Also, in Deut 18:18 we see Moses' prophecy that there will be a great prophet raised up among the people of Israel. This great prophet would bring teachings that would be adhered to by all. Many of the Jews of Jesus day saw this prophecy as Messianic. We also find the next great OT theme in the promise made to David that a descendant of his would sit on the throne of Israel forever as found in II Samuel 7. Many Jews saw this as a Messianic prophecy in which God's anointed would come to Zion and sit upon a literal throne. So thus far we have laid out the three great themes that are the subject of this post: Promise (Abraham), Prophet (Moses), and King (Davidic).

In the Great Commission given by Jesus we see all three of these. We see Jesus state in verse 18 that all authority was given to Him. With this statement we see the Kingly role of Jesus in that He has authority. Next, we see Jesus state in verse 19 that they are to go and make disciples of ALL nations and this would be the fulfillment of the prophecy to Abraham that all nations would be blessed through his seed. Finally, we witness Jesus in verse 20 telling the disciples to teach others to obey His teachings. This would be the fulfillment of His role as the great prophet or teacher.